Thursday, December 22, 2011

CD Art for the Season

– The Liturgical Year 2011 –
All graphics: L A Promotional Design & Photography

 Back / Front Cover;  Inside Spread pgs. 7 & 8
Outside Tray Card, Inside Card & CD

Various Booklet Pages

16 page CD insert, tray card and label created for 
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Choir and Symphony, Buffalo, NY.
It contains so many tracks there are 2 CDs included, and released just in time for Christmas!

Monday, December 19, 2011

CD Art, Postcard, Business Card

– Christopher Jentsch Projects –
All graphics: L A Promotional Design & Photography

8 page CD insert, tray card and label created for 
Christopher Jentsch and the Jentsch Group Large of Brooklyn, NY.
Chris provided some photos, I took it from there!  

We also did a mailing postcard to draw more attention to this project.

All professional musicians need a unique business card

He did say my finished projects were "beyond expectations!" 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Historical Photography

– Old Fort Niagara –
All photos: L A Promotional Design & Photography

I spent one season as a Tour Guide at Fort Niagara.  It was fun, I met a lot of great people, and learned all the interesting things I never paid attention to in History classes!

The best part of the day was arriving early before the crowds, walking over the draw bridge and through the south Redoubt onto the old battle field.  I swear the sun shines in that corner of Youngstown every day without fail.  
I would stand for a while, alone, overwhelmed by the peaceful silence, the warmth, and sparkling Lake Ontario on both sides of the French castle.  Back to reality when I thought of how loud and bloody it actually was 300 years ago, and the number of American, British, French and Iroquois lives that were lost in and around the area of the Fort, while fighting their "gentlemen's war"!

In recent days, there have been some great events held there, one of my favorites being "The Haunting" in the month of October.  Very dark, lots of scary stories, and I have actually seen photos taken by other Guides that contain unexplained ghoslty images... really!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Product Shots / Packaging

– Not Pretty, Just Useful –
All photos and graphics: L A Promotional Design & Photography

Box sleeve, packaging design for store shelves:  it is my job to make my clients exude professionalism!

High quality product shots.

They aren't exactly pretty, I wouldn't frame them for my wall, but they are really well done and a vital tool for brisk sales!
It's most important to have the proper lighting, depth of field and perspective... I am an expert in all areas.
(Yes, I am patting myself on the back)

Friday, December 9, 2011

The Roving Photographer

– Toshiba Meeting / Dinner Party –
All photographs: L A Promotional Design & Photography

I have been given a number of great opportunities to refine my art of stealthy photography, discreetly roaming 
through crowds of executives or party-ers to get the best shots.  
How impressive to have hired your very own professional photographer for major functions!
It not only preserves the memories, but is also a thoughtful way to thank your participants.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

National Publication Photography

Sound & Communications Magazine

"Audio Heaven"
All photographs: L A Promotional Design & Photography
Audio installation by AV Solutions at Third Presbyterian Church, Rochester, NY

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Logo Designs

– My Specialty! –
All graphics: L A Promotional Design & Photography

Creating logos has always been one of my favorite things to do, and it is the most important piece of Corporate Identity. 
Always unique and customized to the finest detail, these are only a few of the vast collection!