– More Than a Roll of the Dice –
All graphics and photos: L A Promotional Design & Photography
Blue Whales reach the mind-boggling dimension of 100' in length on a diet composed nearly exclusively of Krill,
filtered in through their baleen.
Most of the humans I know are not equipped with baleen, therefore have no biological need to ingest Krill for any reason.
You can take my blogged word for it, tiny shrimp like animals are best left to the endangered sea life (including the mammoth Humpback) who rely on it for their very existence.
They don't ask for much!
Oceans at least 2.5 miles deep cover nearly 70 percent of Earth's surface. East of the Great Barrier Reef, the proposed Coral Sea Commonwealth Marine Reserve would cover about 385,000 square miles — bigger than France and Germany combined.
A major breakththrough in conservation! But considering the actual size of the oceans, and the rate at which we are losing our free swimming and coral animals, it is imperative that we reserve a LOT more space in every corner of the world.
Each animal and plant on this planet, without exception, is here to set a perfect balance of nature. Unfortunately for all of us, this balance has been disrupted by the presence of human selfishness and a false sense of entitlement.
As a result, the Earth is getting windier, while 2011 is shaping up to be one of the ten hottest years on record, even during La Niña – historically a periodic cooling of the eastern tropical Pacific.
Much more needs to be done, on land and sea, to protect what we have and possibly even reverse these trends.
Learn more... your planet needs you!
Much more needs to be done, on land and sea, to protect what we have and possibly even reverse these trends.
Learn more... your planet needs you!
oooohhh but shrimp is so good!!!!