Thursday, June 14, 2012

Spring Photography

– The Blooming Season –
L A Promotional Design & Photography

I am so happy to be back at my Blog, today ... here in my bright studio on a springy Buffalo Day, 
with perfect sunny streams floating through my window on a cool-ish breeze. 
The past two months have been very busy with design and photo work, which is lucky for me – 
I find it strangely empowering to pay bills.

I love spring time around Walton Woods!  

Every morning there is some new form of nature to coexist with.
The only thing I really dislike about a journey through the woods is constantly having to clean up garbage!  
Must people be so trashy??

This little guy is one of my favorites. I don't know what he is, other than a great swimmer!
I get to watch him paddle over to the bank...

...collect his grass...

 ...then swim all the way across the (small) lake to continue building his home. Or her nest!
I would love to see those little furry babies, but haven't yet.

Geese are the most abundant water fowl around our ponds.  
They are amazing animals, very protective, family-oriented, intelligent, and sometimes a bit scary!  Or goofy.

It's not very often you see one parent with the brood. 

When they choose a mate they are together for life.  I have a lot of respect for a relationship like that!

There are always Painted Turtles hiding in the trees.  
Unfortunately I am never quiet enough so there are already two in the water!

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